#FitnessThursday Regular Movement Schedule: Is it really THAT important?

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#FitnessThursday Regular Movement Schedule: Is it really THAT important?

Wait! Before you stop reading because you think this is yet another yawn-inducing workout article that is going to make you feel bad that you don’t workout regularly, it’s not! Promise!

I am Cynthia Lewis, the Fitness Coordinator over at the Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center. I am not the typical fitness type of person: I hold the sentiment that fitness is just one part of a person’s life and wellbeing. There are so many other awesome and sometimes challenging things that make people who they are. Things like sleep, finances, education, nutrition, socializing with friends and family, fitness, and self-care (mental health).

When there are so many things that impact a person’s wellbeing, how can you know that a weekly fitness (movement) schedule would be nice to incorporate into your calendar? The answer here is highly individualized (because we are all different people, right?) and to help you get to your answer, here are a few ideas:

  1. I would encourage you to grab a pen and a paper, write down all the things that I listed above in bold that contribute to your wellbeing. Did it? Great! Now, rank them each on a scale of 1-10. 1 being not that important to you right now, maybe something that you already have a great grasp on. 10 being very important to work on and something that you would like to start to consciously improve. Where does fitness land? This ranking system will show you how important fitness is to you. If you rank fitness at 7 or above, write yourself a small goal that details what day, time of day, where you will move, what you will do, and how you will prepare. Then, do it!!
  2. If you already know that regular movement is important to you and need more ideas on what to do, or motivation, we have a program called Fitness Buddies here at UCCS! The Fitness Buddies program pairs you with a peer student who likes to do the same things that you are interested in (for example: hiking, biking, walking, lifting, kickboxing, dancing). You can do them on your own schedule, together!
  3. You might be in a spot where movement is not on the top of your list to work on. That is great! Focus on one of the other sections of your life that you know would more greatly contribute to your wellbeing and if you need help identifying which one you would like to focus on, please do not hesitate to reach out. We have so many resources on campus that I, or any trusted UCCS staff, can point you to!

I hope this article has given you some ideas or at least has given you a little break from your daily work or school. Check back every-other Thursday for more fitness and wellbeing related topics and have a great rest of your week!

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